Nourishing Experiences
At Stone Soup a mix of professionals, hobbyists & enthusiasts come together, united by the intention to design and participate in a wide range of experiences. Together we play, explore, test ideas and reflect.
We believe that everyone can be an Experience Designer and we embrace having a colourful and diverse mix of participants.
Each camp is self-organized and completely co-created with the involvement of every participant. You can check out any future Soups taking place below or reach out to start your own camp. Feel free to learn about past Soups,what it means to attend and what the Soup’s guiding principles are from the links at the top of the screen!
““It’s amazing how little you need to create something beautiful with enormous impact.” ”
Previously at Stone Soup
Over the past 6 years multiple camps have been created across the world. To give you a sense of what it’s like, heres a Poland '18 summary by Piotr Migdal and a Netherlands '19 summary by Alexander Gierholz.