
Participating in Stone Soup takes vulnerability, trust, and leaps of faith. These principles have been formed to inspire and guide us during the Berlin 2022 Stone Soup.

Radical Interdependence - Together is more fun than alone. We are collectively responsible for our own shared universe for this weekend. We will all have a better experience working together as an organism than as individuals. Ask for help, invite others to co-create with you, and create space for the doings of others. 

Flexible Hierarchy - We feel the flow of co-leading together. Hierarchies quickly evolve when necessary- be mindful of these structures and make sure they stay flexible. If you find yourself often in the lead, use your ability to share the tools and space with others to empower them to take the lead.

Transparency - We are transparent in our intentions, objectives and about the process in which we organise ourselves. Transparency is intended to empower people to participate, create safety, trust and mutual understanding. Create space for yourself and others to share what is happening. 

Do-Acracy - We take ownership! If we see that something needs to be done, we don’t just talk about it, but take action as a community of empowered individuals. Take action and take responsibility for your actions. If you wish the experience to look different, you have the responsibility to change it, or make it your own as you wish.

Safety - We are respectful, compassionate, attentive and responsive to the physical and emotional needs of ourselves and others. Include safety as a fundamental pillar of your designs. Be conscious, avoid getting intoxicated from drugs or alcohol. Take others’ needs seriously even if you don’t have the same need. Safety enables us to be brave.

Enthusiastic Consent - We create and participate in experiences and activities that we can enjoy with our full selves. Only do when the doing is rewarding, not because of peer pressure or hope of a future reward. Consent should be explicitly asked, not expected to be given by default.

Come as you are - We embrace diversity, vulnerability, weirdness, shyness, and outgoingness. Everyone arrives at Stone Soup at a different point in their journey, and we are happy to have you here in whatever form that may be. Give other guests space to show their colours and quirks. Let yourself be surprised by who you meet- use curiosity rather than categorization.

Yes, And - We take the ideas of others as a gift, see how we might be able to build on them, rather than finding ways that they might not work. Give confirmation of what’s working well, be inspired by it, and add onto it.

These principles have been written for the Berlin 2022 Stone Soup, and we hope they continue to change shape as needed in years to come. You can find a version of the Stone Soup principles used for previous camps here.