Nourishing Experiences

At Stone Soup a mix of professionals, hobbyists & enthusiasts come together, united by the intention to design and participate in a wide range of experiences. Together we play, explore and test ideas and reflect. We believe that everyone can be an experience-designer and so we embrace to have a colorful and diverse mix of people participating. 

At the camp itself there is no hierarchy between organizers and participants as each camp is self-organized and completely co-created with the involvement of every participant.

France ‘23

13-17 September 2023

Your Soup here

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“It’s amazing how little you need to create something beautiful with enormous impact.”

Previously at Stone Soup

Over the past 6 years multiple camps have been created across the world. To give you a sense of what it’s like, heres a Poland '18 summary by Piotr Migdal and a Netherlands '19 summary by Alexander Gierholz.